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Hi Bellas,

I have always loved singing and performing. My first performance was singing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” for our church when I was 7 or 8. I was accompanied by my mom who didn’t read any music but could play almost anything by ear.


I am a Colorado native, born on the plains but found my home in the high desert of Moffat County. Other than 8 years of my early life (2nd grade -sophomore years in Northeast Nebraska farm country), I have lived in Colorado. My sophomore year in Nebraska I was Calamity Jane in our high school production with 63 cast members. I continued in theater and select choirs when I moved to Craig my junior year. In 1982 our choir accompanist asked if I would be interested in joining a new group that was forming that was barbershop a cappella! This group was The Yampa Valley Chorus!!! I was too busy with my own pursuits at the time and did not explore this avenue.


Through high school and after, I sang with local bands and even toured with one for a while before returning home and trying to decide what to do with my life, when in stepped a tall, dark, and handsome--OK, tall, fair, redhead, but still handsome--man. We dated for two weeks, got engaged, and married two months later! 9 months later came our first-born, Zach, and 2 years later our beautiful daughter, Jenasee.


I have always been employed since age 12 and that continues now. In' 89 I went to work for Colorado Ute, now Tri-State G&T, our local power plant. I started as a mechanic helper, worked in operations, then the chemistry department, and now work as an Environmental Coordinator and Radiation Safety Officer. I plan to retire in 4 years, and we are currently in the process of buying a dog kennel and are expanding it to accommodate Jena’s dog grooming business. So yeah, I stay busy.


My son is also a single dad with two beautiful girls, Raven Daisy and Juniper Rayne, 6 and 5, that stay with us every other weekend.


So, finding the Yampa Valley Chorus again in ‘91 has been a Godsend! It lets me express my musicality and maintain my sanity. I have been in several quartets and met some of the most amazing people. It has been a great adventure and one that continues to astound me. I have never missed a regional contest, until COVID, and feel truly honored to be a part of the wonderful Bella Voce Chorus.

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